
Google Photos sooner or later helps you to manually tag human beings in images

YouTube Music receives Spotify-like customized playlists

Instagram now lets you upload multiple pics on one Story publish with ‘layout’ feature

Instagram will start disposing of influencers’ branded posts that advertise vapes, tobacco, and weapons

How to ask Google to delete conversations you didn’t want it to hear

Amazon expands loose return coverage to ‘millions of objects’

YouTube expands anti-harassment coverage to consist of all creators and public figures

YouTube calls for ‘greater readability’ on the FTC’s child privateness guidelines

Chrome now warns you while your password has been stolen

FTC may block Facebook from integrating messaging apps, per WSJ report

Rewound is a brand new app that turns your iPhone into an iPod

Twitter will now will let you publish iOS Live Photos as GIFs

Google Assistant’s interpreter mode is coming to phones today

Amazon’s Echo Flex is a clever speaker for extremely specific needs