wipes, depending on the packaging. No problem at all.

 wipes, depending on the packaging. No problem at all.                     
wipes, depending on the packaging. No problem at all.

 Go to any drugstore or supermarket, and it's easy to find wipes and other supplies labeled “disposable”. It is quite normal to flush these wipes down the toilet, according to the packaging. No problem at all.

But according to treatment plants and wastewater experts, these so-called “disposable” products are actually a big problem. They may be disposable enough to meander through toilet plumbing, but they do not disintegrate until they reach the various channels, reservoirs, and propellers of sewage treatment plants. Instead, they clump together on whatever they hit - clogging the system and in some cases even breaking heavy pieces of machinery. The employees must regularly chisel with the predominant rocks of the bowels of the treatment plant.                                                                                                                                         (archives -Wikipédia-Internet )                                                                                         cite de lutilisatteur pour expllquer ICI                                                                                                      DERCTED BY DJEDAINI AHMED 
